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Resolving Problems between You and the Boss

publication date: Feb 17, 2016
author/source: Dr. Marc Clark, CHA, CHRE, CHE, CHO
Resolving Problems between the Boss and Yourself

Use the following checklist to assist you when dealing with problems.

When a potential or real problem arises:
  1. Acknowledge that there is a problem. Most problems with a boss are resolved by accommodation
  2. Identify possible solutions in dealing with the problem.
  3. Contact boss about the problem and set up discussion time.
During the meeting:
  1. Inform boss of the problem. Use disarming tactic to reveal the problem: "Boss, I need your help in dealing with a situation."
  2. Acknowledge the boss's position of authority in dealing with the problem.
  3. State the problem objectively.
  4. Be mindful of a threatening response. Example: "Are you suggesting that I might be the problem?"
  5. Ask your boss for possible recommendations and solution options in dealing with the problem.
  6. Thank the boss for his or her time, courtesy, and assistance with the matter.
After the meeting:
  • Follow up. Tell the boss how the solution is working.
  1. Do not take the problem personally.
  2. Empathize by putting yourself in your boss's shoes.
  3. Be an active listener to his or her responses.
  4. Be open-minded.
  5. Don't attempt to change the subject.
  6. Don't interrupt; you will get a chance to speak.
  7. Maintain personal integrity.
Dr. Marc Clark, CHA, CHRE, CHE, CHO
 President & CEO at SmartBizzOnLine.com

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