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Leadership Must-Do's That Produce Great Results! Week 2

publication date: Mar 13, 2016
author/source: Justin G. Lewis, CHA, Corp Operations Mgr Timberline Hospitalities, LLC
Week 2

#3 Be an Intentional Leader
Okay, I want you to stop what you are doing this very second.  In the next minute I want you to look on your desk and find something that you've been putting off doing, never really had desire to do or forgot about doing.  Do you have it in your hand?  Okay, now you have exactly 30 minutes to do it, put it into action, complete it, turn it in - whatever - just get it done now! 
Do not read the rest of this until you've intentionally completed that.  
Did you do it? That is what it means to be intentional. You intentionally and deliberately did something because you chose to do it. It was not chance, reactionary, luck or accidental. You made time, you examined the situation, you got involved and you did it. How does that feel?  
Intentional leaders are always active, planning, expecting certain results, calculating and are always deliberate. These hotel managers are in control of their hotel whereas non-intentional hotel managers are more likely to be controlled by their hotel.  
How do you become an Intentional Hotel Manager?
  1. Choose to be Intentional.  Being intentional is a personal choice that only you can make. Before the next four tips can have any impact on your daily performance you must make this choice first. Take control of your performance. 

  1. Start by Planning.  You must plan out your days, months, even multiple month planning. Have a pre-meditated plan of attack on how you will make your hotel successful. Your planning can include very simple actions such as appointments, morning huddle speeches or building walks. Or it can be larger more involved actions such planning a series of service meetings months in advance.  
  2. Hold Yourself Accountable.  Do what you say you are going to do when you say you're going to do it and be thorough! After it is done, scratch it off the list.  

  1. Set Achievable Short-Range Goals. An example of this type of goal would be to hold a supervisors meeting each week on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Once you've committed to the goal and it is achievable, make sure you achieve it. Then create sub-goals. For example, now that you've created a new weekly meeting, create a sub-goal for the meeting itself such as reviewing the 10-day forecast or be sure to discuss service recovery.   

  1. Have a map.  Where are you going or better yet, where are you taking your team.  Do you desire your hotel to be number One in Revpar in the market? What about an award winning hotel within your franchise family?  Do you want your hotel to be world famous or just under the radar?  Maybe your goal is to be the cleanest hotel in your market. Whatever your goal is, map it out. Write down all of the intentional actions you must do as a leader to make it happen. There are specific steps great hotel leaders take daily to ensure success. Map it out!

#4 MBWA = Manage By Walking Around
I'm sure you've heard of this Must-Do, but do you do it? It is so easy to allow ourselves to be trapped in our office checking email or stuck in one department for long periods of time. MBWA involves you the leader being out on the floor seeking opportunities to improve the team on a daily basis and actively living the culture that your company embraces.  
It is very simple, leave your office several times per day, walk around throughout the hotel and make sure you are doing one of the following:
1. Creating an environment of continuous learning. Teach your team what you know. Train them in service, quality and teamwork. Give them a tip for that day that they've never heard before
2. Observe. Watch your team, processes, guest interaction, guest reactions and the service flow at your hotel. Take notes.
3. Listen to your team! What do they have to say? What are your guests saying about your hotel?   
4. How do things look? Is there garbage that needs picked up or a light bulb that burned out? Is the team following checklists and working as a unit?  Does the hotel look like it should, clean, comfortable, attractive and inviting?  You can only find this out by two ways - walking around to look at it or reading about it on a guest comment card. I advise looking for yourself prior to the guest completing a comment card.  
5. Shoot the breeze. Yes, I said it, shoot the breeze with the team and with guests. Interact and enjoy great conversation. That is what hospitality is all about, enjoy company and socializing with others. Take the time to care about your team and the guests we work so hard to satisfy.   
6. Direct. Give direction while you are MBWA. This will require you to tell employees what needs to be done, why it needs to be done and when it needs to be done. For example, you see one piece of trash in the lot that just blew in, just pick it up. However if you see lots of two day old garbage blowing around, it is time to talk to the grounds crew about their responsibilities.  

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