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Hospitality Tip of the Week™: Focus on Aligning Daily Activity with Long-Term Vision and Strategy

publication date: Nov 17, 2011
author/source: Mike Henning

Hospitality Tip of the Week™: Focus on Aligning Daily Activity with Long-Term Vision and Strategy

Question for the planners/owners and managers:  What is the most important goal for the next six months?  If we achieve that goal we will have the privilege of staying in business.  The process…

Our daily activity must align with our long-term vision, strategy and tactics.  How? 

  1. Realize that a year is now 12 weeks, a month is one week, and a week is now one day. 
  2. Use 15 minutes each day for planning that day.
  3. Keep score:  Result is what we are doing effectively.  What gets measured gets done.
  4. People motivation:  Achievement and Recognition build self-esteem and confidence and gives us the ability to shift actions to produce desirable results.
  5. Accountability is not consequences - It is ownership as we hold ourselves accountable.
  6. Commitment is a personal promise you make with yourself.  It is a conscious decision to take specific action to create a desired result.  It is not a question of “if” but of “how.”
  7. Create a weekly plan on Monday that contains the strategies and tactics that need to be implemented this week in order to accomplish your period’s goals.


.  Mike Henning works with business owning families to lead their efforts in planning for the future of their companies and family members.  Contact him at 217-342-3728, cell 217-343-3100 or email hfbc@mikehenning.com.  Website:  www.mikehenning.com


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