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Ice Breakers and other Warm-ups #16-20 of 40

publication date: Mar 8, 2014
author/source: Training Games, Inc.

Ice Breakers and other Warm-ups            #16-20 of 40

16.      Creative Name Tags

· Give everyone 15 minutes to make their own name tag-they can list hobbies, draw a picture, give a self profile, etc.

17.      Circle of Friends Game

·        This is a great greeting and departure for a large group who will be attending a seminar for more than one day together and the chances of meeting everyone in the room is almost impossible.
·        Form two large circles (or simply form two lines side by side), one inside the other and have the people in the inside circle face the people in the outside circle.
·        Ask the circles to take one step in the opposite directions, allowing them to meet each new person as the circle continues to move very slowly. If lines are formed, they simply keep the line moving very slowly, as they introduce themselves.

18.      Marooned Game
·        You are marooned on an island. What five (you can use a different number, such as seven, depending upon the size of each team) items would you have brought with you if you knew there was a chance that you might be stranded.
·        Note that they are only allowed five items per team, not per person. You can have them write their items on a flip chart and discuss and defend their choices with the whole group. This activity helps them to learn about other's values and problem solving styles and promotes teamwork

19.    The Interview Game

·        Break the group into two person teams (have them pick a partner that they know the least about). Have them interview each other for about twenty minutes (You can also prepare questions ahead of time or provide general guidelines for the interview).
·        They need to learn about what each other likes about their job, past jobs, family life, hobbies, favorite sport, etc. After the interviews, reassemble the group and have each team introduce their team member to the group. This exercise helps them to learn about each other.

20.      Story Time Game

·        The facilitator starts a story by saying a sentence. It then goes in a circle, each person adding a sentence onto the story-after repeating each sentence that has already been added.

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