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Questions I Wish You'd Ask - Eddy Brosse, Global Hospitality Manager , Paris France

publication date: Jan 27, 2012
author/source: HospitalityEducators.com

1. Name your favorite hotel and why it is special to you -  
  • Sentosa Resort & Spa (Singapore) - amazing moments of peace, outstanding service delivery standards for a very nicely designed resort
 2. Name your favorite restaurant and why it is special to you -  
  • Busaba Eathai (London) - great food, relaxed atmosphere, lovely surroundings, my London cantine  
3. Where do you vacation the most often?   

  • Asia, then London 
4. What is your favorite charity or cause?   

  • Doctors of the World - I completed the London to Paris bike ride 2010, and I am assisting with the organisation of the 2011 ride
  • Also helping whenever I can with environmental sustainability issues (carbon offsetting, projects ...)
5. Name your pet service peeve, why and any ideas you may have to address it   

  • Staff talking to one another, ignoring waiting customers in front of them - good service is very simple, if only people would apply some empathy and use common sense
6. Who was the most important mentor in your life and why?   

  • My Dad - he taught about being organised, disciplined and demanding with oneself
7. In the last five years, what has been your most memorable meeting or convention experience and why?    
  • Probably the reunion we organised at the Holiday Inn Woking (UK) for alumni of a school for deaf - we had to completely reorganise operations for one weekend: learn basics of sign language, understand special needs and rethink fire procedures (evacuation) - One of those moments when teams come together and accomplish great things - we were all so exhausted, but felt so fulfilled at the end: a team' success on all fronts

8. What is the one piece of advice you would offer to a graduating student with a hospitality degree?    

  • Listen, observe and think on a daily basis, hotels are not factories - And also, apply the Golden Rule: treat others like you would like to be treated yourself
9. What is the one question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview today?   

  • What is your vision of the hospitality industry today and tomorrow?

   Eddy BROSSE      A global Hospitality Manager considering the next step        Paris, France    

Mobile: +33 (0) -  Skype: eddyetseb - Twitter: http://twitter.com/eddybrosse

Posted to HospitalityEducators.com   

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