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Questions I Wish You Would Ask Me™- Conor Kenny, Dublin, Ireland

publication date: Dec 6, 2011
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS
Subject: RE: Questions I Wish You'd Ask

In this article, we reached out to Conor Kenny who has been the Principal  of Conor Kenny & Associates in  Dublin Ireland since 2002. 

Conor Kenny & Associates are experts in helping you get the most out of people and business. As skilled innovators in marketing, sales and communication, we know that you and your people have skills too. Companies don't innovate. People do.                      

Hi John,

Happy New Year.      Interesting initiative.

1. Name your favorite hotel and why it is special to you

The Merrion in Dublin, Ireland.   Because it is in a beautiful part of town and the buildings are restored Town Houses. The staff work hard at minding their guests but deliver their unique brand of service in a friendly, real and 'non manufactured' way. They are led by a superb GM. They strive constantly to innovate, to excel and to be the best yet they never forget the basics of great service. It achieves that long lost and very unusual moment where - no matter who you are - they make you feel special.

We are human beings and being made special is just about the most cost effective thing you can do but also the most difficult. The Merrion manages to - everyday.

2. Name your favorite restaurant and why it is special to you

Nico's in Dublin.
Almost as old as me. Same food, same menu, same decor and still serving brilliant food everyday.

Where do you vacation the most often?

Majorca, Spain.

4. What is your favorite charity or cause?

Anything to do with homeless people
(there for the grace of God go all of us)

. Name your pet service peeve, why and any ideas you may have to address it

Disinterested, detached, unfocused, lethargic, argumentative, uninspiring, knowledgeless staff.

6. Who was the most important mentor in your life and why?

My Dad.
He listens well.
Has an incredible background of success.
He is usually right.
Then, my real friends. You know the type? Tell you what you don't want to hear.

7. In the last five years, what has been your most memorable meeting or convention experience and why?

Last year. My own team. They solved a puzzle way beyond me.
Better still, they rebuilt a new brighter model that is working far better.
Let them drive. If they crash kick 'em out. If they drive better than you - keep going.

8. What is the one piece of advice you would offer to a graduating student with a hospitality degree?

Do it for love or don't do it at all.

9. What is the one question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview today?

What are you bad at?
 What are you most proud of outside work?

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