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Remember and Reflect : Recommended Reading (and a video)

publication date: Sep 10, 2016
author/source: John J Hogan CHA CHE CMHS CHO

emember and Reflect

By Dr. John Hogan, CHA CMHS CHE

September 10 , 2013

American Lives: The Stories Of The Men And Women Lost On September 11

Recommended Reading


It is now the 2nd week in September, 2016 and we in the United States are paying particular attention to the upcoming anniversary of what is simply referred to here as    " 9-11". It will be replayed in our media often and there will be many rebroadcasts of the four actual plane crashes and the destruction of buildings and people's lives. 9-11 marked the first time the USA had been successfully attacked on its own soil in an undeclared war by terrorists and it changed the country forever in many ways. Innocent civilians of all religions, professions, ages and activities were affected in ways not imagined before.

I have had this book for almost two years  - I found it at a used book sale. I almost passed it by, but was genuinely moved by the collection of personal stories by the staff of Newsday and the Tribune company. New York author Jimmy Breslin opened the book with his personal observations and interpretations.

The book itself is an oversized paperback of under 200 pages and is divided into five sections:

Little Brother, You're MVP in our hearts, and as sub-sections includes

1. last phone calls
2. love stories
3. FDNY and
4. lost promises

The first into heaven

5. they died together
6. rescuers
7. mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers
8. on the planes

A Husband is Missing No More

9. High Finance
10. New Americans
11. In the Pentagon

A Man of Unusual Disposition

12. free spirits
13. tower people
14. legacies

The List of the Lost

World Trade Center Occupants
Emergency/Rescue Personnel
American Airline Flight #11 -WTC North Tower
United Airliners Flight #175 -WTC South Tower
American Airlines Flight # 77 - Pentagon
United Airlines Flight #93 - Pennsylvania

This is a mini-biography of the some of the men and women who lost their lives on that day. Some of what really moved me were the titles in the stories.

You will understand without even reading the full story:

  • Robert, there's another plane coming

  • Dad, I gotta go. There's smoke in here now

  • Take care of my kids

  • She still lives in his dreams

  • She opened up his world

  • A recovered ring completes a circle of life

  • He made every day a party

  • That day, she learned she was pregnant

  • After 20 years, they still held hands

  • A hero by any definition

  • He ignored his own order to flee

  • Firefighting was all he talked about

  • He dreamed of a school for autistic kids

  • She beat Hodgkin's and eased others pains

  • Her family's first college graduate

  • Death in a place of prayer

  • They knew what was important

  • She kept going back in

  • A rescuer who wouldn't be stopped

  • A coach who brought out kid's potential

  • Her husband watched her disappear

  • She tried to block the cockpit

  • The man who said "let's roll"

  • He stayed to check on an elderly colleague

  • A cool army vet who helped others evacuate

  • He saved his wife, but not himself

  • A son is born as a father is mourned

    and probably 200 more headings and stories

My team and I were delivering a workshop out of state on that day, and the 100% closing of all airports, some roads, many government and business centers was an eerie sensation for the week that followed. In the years since that day, on those times when I am interacting with groups and others on September 11th, I make sure we take that moment of silence to remember and reflect.

I encourage you to watch one of the following You Tube


When the World Stopped Turning: A 9/11 tribute  




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KEYS TO SUCCESS TM is the umbrella title for our programs, hospitality services and columns. This year's writings focus on a variety of topics for hotel owners, managers and professionals including both my "HOW TO" articles, HOSPITALITY CONVERSATIONSTM, Lessons from the FieldTM,Hotel Common SenseTM , THE P-A-R PRINCIPLETM and Principles for Success.

Feel free to share an idea for a column at john.hogan@hospitalityeducators.com anytime or contact me regarding consulting, customized workshops, speaking engagements ... And remember - we all need a regular dose of common sense.

John Hogan, Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE), Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA), Certified Master Hotel Supplier (CMHS) Certified Hotel Owner (CHO)

John Hogan is a successful hospitality executive, educator, author and consultant and is a frequent keynote speaker and seminar leader at many hospitality industry events. He is Co-Founder of www.HospitalityEducators.com , which delivers focused and affordable counsel in solving specific challenges facing hospitality today.

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John Hogan,  CHA CHE  CMHS CHO

United States - Phoenix, Phone: 602-799-5375

www.hoganhospitality.com / Email: john@hoganhospitality.com 



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