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Lessons from the Field: Lessons of Life in Auld Lang Syne

publication date: Dec 31, 2013
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS CHO

 Lessons of Life in Auld Lang Syne

Dr. John Hogan, CHE CHA CMHS    12.31.13

I suggest you take 5 minutes and perform a simple exercise. On a plain sheet of paper, mark the following:

1.      Three major accomplishments you feel pride for this year (personal or professional)

2.      Two disappointments

3.      Three tasks or goals you did not finish this year.  Next to them, mark if you intend to complete them in           the  next 12 months.  If not, scratch them off.  If so, how and when.


Beginning on January 1, take time EACH DAY to make it a better year for you.

Log it and reflect as you go.

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