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Sep 1, 2010 - September Promotional and Operational Calendar

start date: Sep 1, 2010
Event: September Promotional and Operational Calendar
Starts: Wednesday, September 1 2010 at 17:05
Ends: Friday, October 1 2010 at 00:40
Location: Your Hotel - A Center of Hospitality
September 2010





















Update your rooms forecast for the next 30, 60 and 90 days - note concerns and respond as needed 


Check with www.hospitalityeducator.com for the latest in best practices and ideas to improve service and profitability


2   Test fire alarm  & check all fire extinguishers- document.


Create a plan that works with area businesses that offer coupons, packages, with live and on line cross selling . Monthly reviews




3 Skyscraper Day



Review the STR data for your hotel carefully - take steps to improve your competitive position     




4   Newspaper Carrier Day

                                   Send every employee a signed birthday card to his/her home. Prepare them early in the month  & mail each group once a week.  The personal touches matter.




5   Be Late for Something Day


Plan to attend a meeting of your local hospitality association this month.  Exposure to ideas from  other hoteliers and brands will make it worth your time




6     Fight Procrastination Day

Labor Day US


 Read a Book Day   


Flip all mattresses this week (if appropriate to bedding)    


Check the condition of all ice machines and water filters.   


Monthly Reminder   Fix dripping faucets & constantly running toilets - you are paying for both water & sewage for all that unused water,  Many are easy to repair.


Heavy clean at least 10% of all guest rooms this month



Review & update your web site (whether you are branded or independent. You must keep this fresh & current!


Begin the process for next year's operating budget plan, with time lines to be submitted in 30 and 60 days.




Consider & introduce incentives for staff in different departments.  Examples can range from a free lunch to a 3-day weekend trip. Be creative!





Swap Ideas Day


Phone your hotel & make a reservation to see how your guests are treated AND to see how effective staff training is. Recognize the champions




No News is Good News Day


Schedule monthly staff & departments meetings.  Rotate responsibility for chairing the meeting among staff - it builds confidence and attention to details.

12   Grandparent's Day


Buy shallow-trap toilets when replacing units. The per-gallon flush is substantially lower with no guest inconvenience, saving you water & sewage costs.



13 Fortune Cookie Day

Positive Thinking Day

Mystery shop four major competitors with personal visits this week. How do you compare?





Set-up cross training of at least one person this week-m it will motivate them and help everyone



Hold daily pre-shift meetings in housekeeping and engineering to improve communications     



Hold a special class on customer service this week for representatives of different depts..


Use on job training  actual examples and case studies in training classes of both successful and poor examples of service to guests.   Have different staff share these examples.

16 Mayflower Day

Mexican Independence Day.


Walk the hotel and view it from a guest perspective.




17 Yom Kippur


Formally evaluate all staff performance in writing quarterly. Financial decisions are local but more regular feedback reduces turnover & improves quality & communications


 Review your current AAA ratings & determine what you need to do to maintain or improve your standing. Update quarterly





Provide awareness training of Blood borne Pathogens to all housekeeping staff.


Stock the housekeeping carts in logical ways and times for efficiency


20  National Women's Friendship Day


Call at least 5 clients this week


Check the shared advertising opportunities with your brand or association




Review your waste build-up and removal cycles quarterly . If occupancy changes, you may need to adjust the number of pick-ups or size of containers. 


Paying attention can  save you a great deal over even a short term

22  Business Women's Day


Autumnal Equinox


Sukkot begins at sundown


Review & update your web site (whether you are branded or independent. You must keep this fresh & current!


Schedule your laundry or other high-energy equipment at off-peak hours.



Stock the housekeeping carts in logical ways and times for efficiency




Native American Day



When buying new hotel vehicles, shop at the end of the month when dealers are more flexible when they are meeting quotas.



Change oil and document safety check of hotel vehicles - at least every 60 days or as needed





  Update linen inventory - re-order to maintain par



GREEN is more than a color. How many ways can you embrace it?


   Review all job descriptions to make certain they are up-to date this week (quarterly assignment)




28  Ask a Stupid Question Day  

 National Good Neighbor Day

Maintain schedule of cleaning or replacing air conditioning filters, including guest rooms


29  Confucius Day


Update sales files and sales action plans for next month




Check with the state hotel association   or Educational Institute web site http://www.ei-ahla.org/certification.asp    for information on certification programs 












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