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Values of Importance- Insights from THE MANAGER'S TOOLKIT by Dr. Marc CLark

publication date: May 11, 2012
author/source: Dr. Marc Clark, CHA CHE CHRE CHO

Values of Importance

One of the foremost impacts shaping the labor market is the changing of principles and expectation of workers.  Management is dealing with mixed cultures, beliefs, viewpoints, attitudes, and traditions.  Employees expect more from the company or organization they work for than ever before.  If the organization cannot satisfy their needs and provide personal gratification and achievement, they're likely to make a job and career change. 

Smart management will keep the following three strategies as top priorities and as part of their manager's toolkit to ensure a great connect with their workforce.

§              The Expectancy Factor

Management has the responsibility to be clear and concise when explaining to employees just what is expected of them in terms of accountability and performance.  Common sense tells us that you cannot hold people accountable for things they do no knowt hey are being held accountable for.  In the past, once management communicated its expectations to the employee, the conversation was over. 

Company goals had been identified.  But what about the employee's goals?  Workers today want to see a connection between the company's mission and goals of their own.  An honest look reveals that today's workforce is focusing first and foremost on personal goals, and secondarily on company goals,  Their expectancy factor translates into: "If I, as an employee live up to or exceed the company's expectations of me and my performance, what can I, as an employee, expect in return from my company?"

§              Quality of Treatment

The day of the autocratic, "My way or the highway" style of management is unacceptable to today's workforce.  Now employees require a participative management style from supervisors.  Employees want to be part of the decision-making process and have a voice in policies that will affect them.  They want a workplace that offers fair competition and provides outlets for personal creativity.  They are attracted to environments where camaraderie with all levels of co-workers is the norm and not the exception to the rule. 

Hierarchical ranking systems that preclude interactions are seen as undesirable; systems that encourage and reward teamwork are applauded.  Autonomy, dignity, self-esteem and respect are critical ingredients in forming a preferred-employer work environment.

§              Lifetime Skills Development

Today's workers expect support for personal development and long-term growth.  Many workers want to be prepared to run a career "marathon", and not just a career "sprint".  They seek ongoing educational programming that focuses on lifetime skills and mentors who will contribute to their individual growth.

Workers want to be recognized for their individualism as well as team participation.  They desire to become part of the company culture while being allowed to retain some of their own identity.  Looked upon as being "trusted" can make or break the relationship between managers, workers and co-workers.  As the world of technology advances so must the organizations and the individuals within the organizations that utilize it advance. 

Most importantly, the T.G.I.F generation is the master's of social networking.  T.G.I.F. is no longer a mindset of "Thank goodness it's Friday".  The mantra is Twitter, Gadgets, I-Phone and Facebook. 

Dr. Marc PS 63:7

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