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Hospitality Tip of the Week - Four Points to Long Term Success

publication date: Jul 15, 2012
author/source: Dr. John Hogan

  Swim with the Sharks: Without Being Eaten Alive; Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate and Outnegotiate Your Competitionby Harvey Mackay

Harvey MacKay has written a number of best selling books on business, networking, successful living and enjoying life.

I have always found the particular message in this book focused and energizing. I appreciate its direct simplicity and I have found the focus on personal accountability to work in my career.

The general news media has taken the approach of broadcasting much of its economic news in the most negative and depressing means as possible. While there continue to be serious challenges in hospitality business levels, there are also offsetting success stories.

1. Determination.
2. Goal Setting
3. Concentration
4. Perseverance

That's all it takes to be successful.

MacKay'€™s simple four steps identify that special times require special efforts: We all need a goal – something to reach towards.

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