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Questions I Wish You Would Ask Me™- Jennifer Calhoun, CHE MBA

publication date: Sep 30, 2011
author/source: HospitalityEducators.com Resources
"Questions I Wish You Would Ask MeTM" includes interviews such as those found in our HOSPITALITY CONVERSATIONS,  and and it also allows industry professional the opportunity to share their perspectives, values and opinions on additional areas and subjects that may not have been part of the planned discussion.  This segment includes a wide range of hospitality professionals from all portions of the industry. We ask participants to answer at least five of the listed nine questions.  Their responses will interest, sometimes amuse and definitely inspire you to consider how YOU might answer.

In this article, we contacted Jennifer Calhoun, a Founding Associate of HospitalityEducators.com, and  former Director of Seminar Programs leader at the Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Lodging Association. 

Professor Calhoun was honored for her work as director of the Prince George’s Community College’s Hospitality and Tourism Institute. She received the 2010 American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute’s Lamp of Knowledge Award for Outstanding US Educator at the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute’s Summer Summit in June 2010.      

She is responsible for leadership, program planning, marketing, recruiting, and determining the Institute’s goals and curriculum development priorities.. She is the primary liaison between businesses, government agencies, and professional associations.

3. Where do you vacation the most often?
 We love Bermuda with it British charm and great beaches

5. Name your pet service peeve, why and any ideas you may have to address it

Indifference by service providers, I pay a personal compliment to them and their attitude usually will change. 

6. Who was the most important mentor in your life and why?
 My mom, her faith in God that made the impossible, possible.  

8. What is the one piece of advice you would offer to a graduating student with a hospitality degree?
Develop a plan of action for employment that includes research about the organization(s) where you would like to work.

9. What is the one question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview today?

How would you define success for yourself?

Professor Calhoun's full bio is available at Founding Associates at HospitalityEducators.com

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