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Ten Tips On Presentations and Sales Calls| Observations from HospitalityEducators.com

publication date: Sep 23, 2011
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS

Ten Tips On Presentations and Sales Calls

We see on television and movies every day the "perfect" delivery of lines and the reading of the news from teleprompters to the point where the tendency is at times forget that many of the deliveries we see were actually third or seventh "takes" . We have also seen on many You Tube videos local or national anchors who have not quite delivered their best.

As an educator, trainer and consultant, I have worked with many people on both improving presentation skills and on fine tuning sales proposal delivery. From my observations and research, the following are offered as things to be aware of. These are distractions from your message and dilute your effectiveness:

  1. Playing with, tugging or pulling your hair
  2. Constantly adjusting your glasses
  3. Clicking pens or tapping pencils on the desk, podium or table
  4. Drumming your fingers
  5. Constantly checking your cell phone (which should have been turned off)
  6. Biting your fingernails
  7. Playing with clips, bands or other materials on paper
  8. Smacking or licking your lips
  9. Interrupting other people who may have the floor (in presentations, it could be Q&A; in sales calls, it could be a client inquiry)
  10. Not making consistent eye contact with your audience (of one or a group in a presentation)

Success does not come by accident or chance.

Contact us for assistance. John.Hogan@HospitalityEducators.com or 602-799-5375

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KEYS TO SUCCESS  is the umbrella title for my 2011 programs, hospitality services and columns. This year's writings focus on a variety of topics for hotel owners, managers and professionals including both my "HOW TO" articles, HOSPITALITY CONVERSATIONSTM, Lessons from the FieldTM, Hotel Common SenseTM , THE P-A-R PRINCIPLETM  and Principles for Success.

Feel free to share an idea for a column at john.hogan@hospitalityeducators.com   anytime or contact me regarding consulting, customized workshops, speaking engagements ... And remember - we all need a regular dose of common sense,

John Hogan is a successful hospitality executive, educator, author and consultant and is a frequent keynote speaker and seminar leader at many hospitality industry events. He is Co-Founder of www.HospitalityEducators.com , which delivers focused and affordable counsel in solving specific challenges facing hospitality today.


Consulting Expertise and Research Interest

  1. Professional Development for the Organization and the Individual

  2. Customer Service

  3. Making Cultural Diversity Real

  4. Developing Academic Hospitality programs

  5. Medical Lodging Consulting

  6. Sales Management and training

  7. Turn-around and revenue management

If you need assistance in any of these areas or simply an independent review or opinion on a hospitality challenge, contact me directly for a prompt response and very personalized attention.

www.HospitalityEducators.com  is a membership site offering a wide range of information, forms, best practices and ideas designed to help individual hoteliers and hospitality businesses improve their market penetration, deliver service excellence and increase their profitability.




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