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For your Consideration: Put Your Employees First | Observations from Harvard Business School and
publication date: Jan 13, 2014
author/source: Resources, Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, Ltd
For your Consideration: Put Your Employees First | Observations from HospitalityEducators.comHow will hospitality businesses address the future of their organizations at a time when many hotels, restaurants, spas and clubs are all combating the danger of becoming a commodity?Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, Ltd., explains how inverting the management pyramid leads to superior organizational performance. This video shows contrasting results from different approaches to respecting associates/employees sincerely, through genuine accountability and not slogans or commercials that do not reflect the real culture of companies.
This video uses examples of the impact that the staff of Signapore Airlines has on customers every flight, as compared with the experiences of many customers of many US based airlines Put Your Employees First | Observations from One of many learning tools available at HosptalityEducators.comSuccess does not come by accident or chance.Contact us for or 602-799-5375
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