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Service Code - Created by Elsworth Statler

  Elsworth Statler has been described and considered one of the most innovative and creative of hoteliers of all time.  He is credited with many of the practices and construction methods that became industry standards.

Banquet Alcohol Requisition Form

SAMPLE    Banquet Alcohol Requisition Form


A Daily Checklist for Managers and Staff : Restaurant Opening and Closing Duties

This checklist was created to assist food & beverage staff in the opening and closing duties for restaurants.

Strategies for Successful Hotel Breakfast Service

Breakfast can make the difference between a hotel and restaurant being viewed as a commodity or as an exceptional experience.  This article offers 13 specific steps to success.

Strategies for Success in Staffing and Excellence for Hotels and Hospitality Businesses

This column addresses the very core of all hotels.  Without the proper planning and implementation of staffing and service, a hospitality business that interacts with guests 24 hours a day for 365 days a year has little chance for ongoing success.

Lessons from the field: "A bakers dozen" of strategies for hotel food and beverage directors

restaurantFood and Beverage Directors often have the largest number of departments to work with in full service hotels and the most diversity in areas.  While all of their departments relate to F&B Service, the range of talents, tasks and personalities is immense, requiring effecting Directors to have a sense of "just right or just in time" follow through , as well as a  high level of personal dependability, strong communication  and organizational skills.  

Boosting Guest Satisfaction through the Unique Delivery of Outstanding (and affordable) Breakfasts

Understanding the value of breakfast
Paying appropriate attention to the markets and guests we serve lessens the risk of losing the loyalty of a guest.

As the industry continues to both mature in some products and refine itself in others over the last generation, many properties of all product segments have elected to offer breakfast as part of their service.  The common practice of offering breakfast, unfortunately, increases the danger of it becoming a commodity rather than a unique experience. 

This article offers specific examples of successful properties that choose to focus on their ingenuity with special touches to pleasantly surprise and impress their customers.

A Hotel Daily Checklist for Front Office Managers and Managers on Duty

Hotel Manager on Duty : Guest Room Cleanliness Checklist

Hotel Manager on Duty :  Guest Room Cleanliness Checklist

This sample checklist was created to assist non-housekeeping managers in quality assurance training and in supporting the property's commitment to cleanliness.

Solutions to Dealing With Inadequate Training that can lead to disatisfied guests, high staff turnover, lower profitaiblity and lost market share.

What's the Problem?

Inadequate training can lead to disatisfied guests, high staff turnover, lower profitaiblity and lost market share.  These 13 strategies show how to address training and learning.

Keys to Success: A Common Sense Approach to Success in the Hospitality Industry

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