Service Code - Created by Elsworth Statler
Elsworth Statler has been described and considered one of the most innovative and creative of hoteliers of all time. He is credited with many of the practices and construction methods that became industry standards.
Banquet Alcohol Requisition Form
A Daily Checklist for Managers and Staff : Restaurant Opening and Closing Duties
This checklist was created to assist food & beverage staff in the opening and closing duties for restaurants.
Strategies for Successful Hotel Breakfast Service
 | Breakfast can make the difference between a hotel and restaurant being viewed as a commodity or as an exceptional experience. This article offers 13 specific steps to success. |
Strategies for Success in Staffing and Excellence for Hotels and Hospitality Businesses
This column addresses the very core of all hotels. Without the proper planning and implementation of staffing and service, a hospitality business that interacts with guests 24 hours a day for 365 days a year has little chance for ongoing success. |  |
Lessons from the field: "A bakers dozen" of strategies for hotel food and beverage directors
 | Food and Beverage Directors often have the largest number of departments to work with in full service hotels and the most diversity in areas. While all of their departments relate to F&B Service, the range of talents, tasks and personalities is immense, requiring effecting Directors to have a sense of "just right or just in time" follow through , as well as a high level of personal dependability, strong communication and organizational skills. |
Boosting Guest Satisfaction through the Unique Delivery of Outstanding (and affordable) Breakfasts
 | Understanding the value of breakfast Paying appropriate attention to the markets and guests we serve lessens the risk of losing the loyalty of a guest.
As the industry continues to both mature in some products and refine itself in others over the last generation, many properties of all product segments have elected to offer breakfast as part of their service. The common practice of offering breakfast, unfortunately, increases the danger of it becoming a commodity rather than a unique experience. This article offers specific examples of successful properties that choose to focus on their ingenuity with special touches to pleasantly surprise and impress their customers. |
A Hotel Daily Checklist for Front Office Managers and Managers on Duty

Hotel Manager on Duty : Guest Room Cleanliness Checklist
Hotel Manager on Duty : Guest Room Cleanliness Checklist|
This sample checklist was created to assist non-housekeeping managers in quality assurance training and in supporting the property's commitment to cleanliness. |  |
Solutions to Dealing With Inadequate Training that can lead to disatisfied guests, high staff turnover, lower profitaiblity and lost market share.
What's the Problem?Inadequate training can lead to disatisfied guests, high staff turnover, lower profitaiblity and lost market share. These 13 strategies show how to address training and learning.
Keys to Success: A Common Sense Approach to Success in the Hospitality Industry
Hotel Sales and Marketing
This article offers a perspective for both industry professoionals and members/staffs of convention & visitors’ bureaus on ways to reinforce the fundamentals of potentially wonderful resources for many areas and businesses in hotel marketing and hospitality sales efforts.
A Glossary of Diversity and Inclusion Terms
Cultural Diversity is a major factor in hotel staffing, marketing and positioning in today's global environment. "Making it Real" means identifying the components of cultural identity and embracing those components to improve the hospitality workplace and the organization.
Diversity is an issue being addressed globally on an every day basis. This short piece uses the approach taken by a major US University to address the many components of diversity and inclusion.
A Glossary of Sustainability and Green Hotel Terms and Phrases
A Glossary of Sustainability and Green Hotel Terms and Phrases |  |
A Glossary of Marketing and Sales Hospitality Industry Terms
This Glossary focuses on the Marketing and Sales areas of the hotel. HospitalityEducators.com members receive a 75% discount.
Industry Terms to Know : Operations and Management Emphasis
There are many terms, abbreviations and slang words used in the hospitality industry that are not universally understood. As many people regularly join the industry from other fields, we have provided some additional terminology and identified some of the more frequently used terms. Members of HospitalityEducators.com receive a 50% discount on this item.
The Most Memorable Service Code Ever Introduced in Hospitality
Elsworth Statler has been described and considered one of the most innovative and creative of hoteliers of all time. He is credited with many of the practices and construction methods that became industry standards.
In addition to the physical amenities he stressed and introduced, he recognized that guests had to feel appreciated. To emphasize his commitment, Statler introduced what he called the STATLER SERVICE CODE.
The following has been updated by Dr. John Hogan, CHA CHE MHS
Suggested Security Officer Duties and Requirements
A representative Sample Security Officer Duties and Requirements. Each hotel should personalize its own unique document, after checking with its insurance carrier, its brand if appropriate and local situations.
Three Reasons Service Stinks!
The challenge is to get the right people in and the people who are right for someplace else…out!
This article, written by well known author Scott Gross for the Rooms Chronicle, identifies specific action steps on how to address service challenges.
House Policy for Alcohol Service
This summary provides a suggested representative sample policy.
e Book - A Baker's Dozen of Strategies for Hotel Safety and Security
REASONABLE CARE: The degree of care that a reasonably prudent person would use under like circumstances. This selection of strategies was compiled as a starting point in your preparation to meet your obligations. Member discounts are automatically applied to this item.
e Book Strategies for Sales & Marketing
A Collection of practical Baker's Dozen columns and successful action plans to improve Sales and Marketing performance at hotels of all sizes.
50% discount for members of HospitalityEducators.com
The Rooms Chronicle - Annual Subscription
Focusing on improving quality, efficiency, and profits, TRC is renowned for its hands-on, common-sense, operational how-to’s. Articles include topics for front office, housekeeping, reservations, telephone, engineering, energy, risk management, and related departments.
Special pricing for members of HospitalityEducators.com
Smart Management by Dr. Marc Clark CHA CHE
Strategies to enhance and ensure your company's success in recruiting, staff retention, team building, conflict management, sales and marketing.
Special pricing for members of HospitalityEducators.com
The Manager's Toolkit by Dr. Marc Clark, CHE CHA
Over 60 management subjects to study, practice, and apply. Great tool for a new supervisor or manager or refresher for the seasoned veteran. Includes self-development tools, exercises, tips, worksheets and overviews of innovative management. 149 pages.
Special pricing for members of HospitalityEducators.com
Lessons From The Field by Howard Feiertag CHA CMP and Dr. John Hogan,CHE CHA MHS
This book is being used by thousands of hotels and includes 50 proven and easy to follow best practices in hotel sales that can be used at your hotel immediately.
An autographed copy by co-author John Hogan will be sent within two business days of ordering. Note Member discount!
Planning for Profits - Budget Spreadsheet
PLANNING FOR PROFITS is a practical resource that allows you to ask a series of “What if” questions in an excel worksheet that will allow you to examine various scenarios to aid you in making those decisions. This links directly to the PLANNING FOR PROFITS detailed explanations of working with budgets. 50% discount for members of HospitalityEducators.com
It is recommended that this be purchased in combination with the accompanying word document also available in the store
Planning for Profits - An Overview to Effective Budgeting
Planning for Profits - An Overview to Effective Budgeting
This is the explanation document for the Planning for Profits Spreadsheet also available in the store.
There is a substantial discount tor both this and the Planning for Profits spreadsheet for members of HospitalityEducators.com.
10 Hotel Sales Action Steps to Compete in Today's Competitive Marketplace
Effective sales professionals project within the hotel ownership guidelines but regularly re-assess the markets and adjust their action plans to maximize success. Communicating that strategy and action regularly to management and ownership builds credibility and positions the sales professionals as accountable and proactive.
6 Observations on Finding and Employing Problem Solvers
6 Observations on Finding and Employing Problem Solvers
Banquet Service Checklist
A checklist for setting up banquet service correctly.
Manager on Duty Guest Room Cleanliness Checklist
This is meant to assist managers from all departments in supporting the hotel's commitment to quality.
Marketing and Sales - Terms to know
Managing your Emotional Energy
According to workplace research, 80% of your success is dependent upon your emotional competencies..., flexibility, empathic listening, the ability to build a consensus, etc; but too often our negative emotional energy gets in the way. Negative reactions waste emotional energy. Today's culture of conflict and negativity thrives on negative reactions and drives destructive behavior, eroding relationships and organizations. Managing your Emotional Energy is a discipline that discovers and builds upon your fundamental foundation to create positive, Stabilizing Pro-actions™. This powerful presentation sets you on the path to manage, direct and manifest positive emotional responses enhancing personal and professional outcomes.
Positive Leadership for Positive Performance
Strengthening leadership skills via positive methods. A dynamic seminar that will provide the necessary techniques for coaching, teaching, and facilitating the work of your employees in order to enhance the commitment and productivity of your workforce while simultaneously increasing retention rates.
Hospitality Management and Supervisory Training
- Hospitality Management and Supervisory Training
- Personnel Development & Training
- Hospitality, Tourism and Golf Personnel Skills Training and Development
- Resort, Lodging and Golf Product and Operational Analysis and Recommendations
Jennifer Calhoun Workshops
- Train-the-Trainer Workshops
- Conference Presentations
- In-company Seminars
- Motivational Talks
Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS)
Leading The Way in Responsible Alcohol Service Training For Over 20 Years... TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) is the global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale, and consumption of alcohol. Proven effective by third-party studies, TIPS is a skills-based training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving.
Keynote Addresses
- We Want You, We Need You and We've Got To Have You!!.
- Building a Respectable Image in the Community
- 50 Great Ideas to Improve Your Business's Sales Strategies
- Understanding Customer DNA (Da Need for Attention)
Marc Clark Workshops
- Have a Seat & Let's Talk: Interviewing With Power!
- Singleness of Mind: Leadership through Performance Management
- Retaining Employees in Turbulent Times
- Promises, It's About Keeping Them: Delivering World Class Service in any size Business.
Overview for Consulting
As a career business professional and educator who has held senior leadership with administrative responsibility in several organizations involving both academic and entrepreneurial enterprise, I have demonstrated competencies as a strong leader, relationship builder, problem solver and mentor. My consulting work is based on my hotel industry experience, training, education, experience as a hotel company trainer and university level hotel school instructor, active participation in organizations supporting the hotel industry, frequent author and a reasonable degree of professional certainty.
Special pricing for members of HospitalityEducators.com
Keys to Success Programs
The following list of my programs focus on the major areas of Marketing and Sales, Operations, Profitability and Service.
These programs are available for individual hotel training, as well as corporate or association meetings. Workshops/Interactive Seminars
Programs Available as Workshops or Keynotes
Keynote Addresses
The following list of programs focus on the major areas of Marketing and Sales, Operations, Profitability and Service These programs are available for individual hotel training, as well as corporate or association meetings. Keynote Addresses Programs Available as Workshops or Keynotes
Pride and Credo
Based on the JOHNSON & JOHNSON CO. Credo
Personalized to the hospitality industry by Dr. John Hogan, CHA CHE MHS Co-founder www.hospitalityeducators.com info@hoganhospitality.com www.hoganhospitality.com