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Recommended Reading by Dr. John Hogan- High Impact Hospitality - 5 Stars

publication date: Sep 23, 2013
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS

High Impact Hospitality


by Chase L. LeBlanc


Comment: " High Impact Hospitality - 5 Stars~


Chase LeBlanc has delivered an excellent message for managers at various levels in his book that is packed with excellent background materials and facts for those in the hospitality field.

I intend to include it my RECOMMENDED READING on my hospitality sites and in my supervisory seminars.

 In this relatively short book (140+ pages), there are 19 easy-to-follow chapters that address a range of major areas that impact the potential of success for hospitality managers, with an emphasis on restaurant and food and beverage operations.

 Chapter one offers a fresh perspective as LeBlanc introduces the concept of the word "€œleadager"€, which is a combination of leader and manager. The author asks solid questions if one can be a competent manager without being a leader and vice versa. He stresses that it takes a certain type of manager to apply themselves to be a great leader.

Chapter two stresses the need for the individual in their managerial journey to increase their own knowledge and value, which will help increase the potential for self promotion and advancement. He offers seven specific capabilities that are worth noting.

Chapter five offers excellent insights on the practice of values and the value of practice. It provides logical and correct lessons for first time assistant managers.
 Chapter six introduces what the author calls "the Magic Ls" in the purpose of purpose. (Hint-labor, laugh, learn, lilt, light and love are all defined in excellent and measurable ways)
 Chapter seven provides managers with insights on balancing and addressing both the routine and the unexpected in the volume activity of hospitality management.
 Chapter eight stresses the values of systems and knowing how to teach it to others.
Chapter nine details five Critical Areas of Concern in hospitality operations, especially in food and beverage operations.
 Chapters eleven and twelve cover the universal appreciation, frustration and satisfaction that can be found when one becomes the real manager or âleadager of a successful operation.
Chapter thirteen has a series of excellent mock checklists that have an excellent range of ideas and suggestions of things that could and/or should be addressed.
 Chapter 15 discusses OWNERSHIP: the start-up, the fear, the excitement, the reality!
 Chapter eighteen is an excellent way to sum the messages of this book: 95 Things to Know and Learn Before You Need em! There are also lists of additional suggested reading.

 This book is an excellent resource and contains many practical ideas for managers on how to improve the guest experience, their staffing employment and the profitability of their restaurant or hospitality business. I find it contains messages of value for both newcomers and seasoned managers.


Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS

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