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Professional Development - for the individual and the organization

publication date: Mar 11, 2018
author/source: Dr. John Hogan CHA CHE CMHS CHO

Professional Development

Professional Development is essential for both the Hospitality Organization and the Individual.  Improving the professionalism for both brings enhanced results which allow each to attain greater levels of success. The Four-Step Approach used in in all assignments is detailed in the Overview ofHospitality Consulting, and includes discussion of perceived problems with the client, preparation of a detailed  SWOT analysis, identification of strengths and recommendations for addressing the challenges. 

Professional Development for the Organization includes evaluating the competency and skill set levels of various hospitality managers.  After the skill levels are identified, keys to success include a systematic selection of hospitality education programs created for each individual to move to their next level of competence.

Hotel Association Case Study - This was an ongoing assignment for the educational arm of a national hotel association.  The association was enhancing its hotel certification programs, and was simultaneously trying to serve its hotel constituents in their demands for improved operational and marketing programs.

I was retained over a five year period to play a major and ongoing role in this project, based on my satisfied hotel and hospitality clients' recommendations and my continuing role in city, state and national hotel associations.
  1. Ongoing discussions revealed that individual hotels needed practical and current program that were not typically available except through hotel branded programs, which could not cross over to other entities.
  2. The SWOT analysis identified prioritized needs, with input from a number of major hotel management groups.  Adding practical value was viewed as essential.
  3. Strengths included:  committed and interested hotel company executives who wanted their staffs to improve and who were willing to pay reasonable prices for services.  These hotel executives included representatives from management companies, individual hotels, regional hotel brands and family operated businesses.
  4. Recommendations included:  creating a series of programs that intensified use of technology as well as instituting hotel best-practice forums that shared success stories at hotel association meetings.
Results:  Over this five year period, I took the lead as seminar designer and presenter for requested programs in Hospitality Financial Planning and Control, Ethics, Hotel Sales and Marketing, Hotel Yield Management, Destination Marketing, Hotel Services Management, Kitchen Management, and Managing Quality Services in hotels.

I also conducted an estimated 100 hotel certification programs in the United States and Canada for Hotel General Managers, Sales Professionals, Rooms Division Executives, Supervisory Personnel, Food and Beverage Executives, and Human Resources Executives.

Professional Development for the Individual is personalized training and coaching to enhance hospitality industry competencies and build polish in the areas of presentations, public speaking, and project leadership.
These OneToOne Sessions provide:
Personal Assessments                  Personal Coaching                     Personal Skill-Building
    These OneToOne Sessions target these desired outcomes:
                  Gained Confidence                     Gained Knowledge                    Greater Results
      I have worked with a number of individuals who were seeking to improve and polish their skills in pubic speaking, panel moderating, project facilitating, and the running of meetings.  The personal training, coaching and practice I offered gained them measurable improvement in planning, moderating, presenting, speaking and connecting with a small group or large audience.

      Hotel Executive Case Study - An individual Vice President, who was very personable in one-on-one interactions, consistently scored very low on program evaluations and annual reviews for his public speaking skills.  After discussion and observation, it became apparent that this individual did not fully prepare for these public sessions and tended to address groups using slang and personal, conversational styles.  The action steps taken were:  advanced preparation of both distributed handouts and displayed media, review of materials with peers, adjustment of physical stage-presence, and repeated oral practice sessions of the presentation.

      The resulting difference was incredible.  He exuded a calm sense of confidence, was poised, and delivered his rehearsed presentation with excellent timing and appropriate audience interaction.  The verbal comments and written evaluations following the delivery of his program confirmed his personal improvement as he received a much higher evaluation score.

      An article on this subject matter and related topics are found on this site under Articles, with even more at www.hospitalityeducators.com. 

      If you are interested in having me work with you, please contact me for a no-cost discussion john@hoganhospitality.com.
      or call me at 602-799-5375

      Contact me for ideas on proven ways to help you and your teams focus on Hotel Profitability Ratios, Hotel Guest Services, Hotel Sales and Marketing Ideas, and Hotel Operations


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