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Fresh Air- New Ideas Fall 2011

publication date: Sep 13, 2011
author/source: HospitalityEducators.com Resources,

Fall  , 2011
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Are You Ready for a Crisis?  

The Differences in Response between Hurricanes Irene and Katrina hinged upon the communication, planning and coordination in place when the crisis happened.  Many hotels were impacted by the storms.  Are you prepared?


What's in a Name but Letters?  The Value of Certification    Most serious-minded hospitality professionals understand the need for continuous learning and value the certifications acquired in their career as being emblematic of their personal growth and professional level of expertise. 
[Read More] 

Are your marketing promotions really working?  

Third-party endorsement of products and services has always been a powerful sales tool.  Today, travel-oriented social media has intensified hotel endorsement by providing traveler user-generated comments to guide the hotel selection process. This is powerful marketing. [Read More]  

Are you feeling disconnected from your staff?     Without the proper planning and implementation of staffing and service, a hospitality business that interacts with guests 24 hours a day for 365 days a year has little chance for ongoing success. 
[Read More] 

Is your breakfast offering helping or hurting your hotel marketing share?  

Paying appropriate attention to the markets and guests we serve lessens the risk of losing the loyalty of a guest. This article addresses trends and mistakes many properties of all product segments are making in their breakfasts, which increases the danger of it becoming a commodity rather than a unique experience. This article is about specific examples of successful properties that choose to focus on their ingenuity with special touches to pleasantly surprise and impress their customers.   [Read Article]  


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