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Getting Smart on Uncle Sam’s Dollar
publication date: Nov 5, 2012
author/source: Barbara Weltman, Guest Blogger
The quotation I keep on my desk from Benjamin Franklin says, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Savvy business owners know that learning is a lifetime affair. Fortunately, there are many federal income tax breaks to help defray the cost of your ongoing education.
Getting Smart on Uncle Sam’s DollarLifetime learning credit If you continue to pursue formal education beyond the undergraduate level, you may be eligible to claim a tax credit for tuition, fees, and certain other qualified expenses. Each dollar of the tax credit reduces your tax bill by one dollar. The lifetime learning credit is up to $2,000 (20% of the first $10,000 of qualified costs you spend). The only hitch is that the credit may be reduced or become unavailable to you if your income is too high. The full credit can be claimed in 2012 if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which essentially is income before exemptions and the standard deduction or itemized deductions, is no more than:
The credit phases out for singles with MAGI between $52,000 and $62,000 and joint filers with MAGI between $104,000 and $124,000; no credit can be claimed if MAGI exceeds these limits. Deduction for education costs If you take courses or training to improve your professional or work skills, you can treat the costs as a deductible business expense. These courses include required continuing education for your profession — whether taken in person, online, or as self-study. Even courses taken in resort locations may be deductible (as well as the travel and lodging costs for attendance). If you pay out-of-pocket for your education costs and the business does not reimburse you, then where you deduct the costs depends on how your business is organized.
Caution: No deduction can be claimed for education costs that qualify you for a new trade or business. Thus, the costs of law school and bar preparation expenses are not deductible because a law degree qualifies a person to practice law (whether or not this is the intention). The cost of an MBA may be deductible; there’s a lot of litigation on this point, but many taxpayers have been successful in showing that this degree is not a new trade or business. Even better than deducting education costs is having the business cover them. In this case, costs are deducted on the business return. If the business is incorporated, there are two ways to do this without triggering taxable income to you (as an owner-employee of the corporation):
An unincorporated business can simply pay your education costs or reimburse you for them; no formalities are required other than substantiating the costs. Tax-free educational options You don’t have to spend a penny to learn more about finance, marketing, taxes, or other areas to help your business. There are many free online sites to smarten you up. Because they’re free, there is no tax issue involved. Here are some resources for free learning:
Final thoughts There are many other education-related tax breaks and you usually have to choose the one that provides you with the most tax savings. These breaks all have different rules, such as income limits and qualifying education costs. You can learn more from IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education |
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