To service hotel guests best it’s great to know what they expect when they arrive at the hotel. Finding out what hotel guests want may seem obvious to many hoteliers and in many cases it can be as simple as asking the front desk personnel what guests ask them most. WHIP Professional Online Marketing for Hotels has found as they are working to help clients ways to increase their services and thus increase their bookings by asking guests what they think. A survey of a little over 2000 guest after their hotel stay to find out what they wanted while at the hotel. Following is a graph that shows the results per type of guest.
Six major hotel companies formed a new online booking service, Room Key, as a way to reduce commission costs paid to online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and Travelocity, whose hotel room sales continue to climb.
Hotel safety and security is a partnership between hotel and guest, and both are responsible for ensuring that guidelines are followed in order to protect the traveler and the property. Customer service is always important, but it’s not an excuse for accommodating would-be guests at the expense of breaching security. At the same time, guests must follow guidelines the hotel provides for them. Security is a two-way street, and everyone has to do their pa
The focus of hotel asset management has traditionally been on cost control; reducing the operational or flexible costs on the hotel balance sheet is what used to determine the profitability of a hotel, but over the last few years, focus has shifted !.
To control staff payroll, purchasing costs and overhead spending used to be the main components of the job of a hotel asset manager. With the rise of the internet and increased dynamics of hotel distribution we have seen a shift in focus over the last few years.
Americus Reed is an associate professor of marketing at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is the marketing department's only identity theorist, which means that he researches the role consumers' self concepts play in guiding buying decisions.
Meeting sizes may vary, but most large meetings are booked several years in advance. The hotel executive and the meeting professional should remain engaged in regular communication from the moment the contract is signed.
There are many ways to manage a room block effectively. Listed below are best practices on the timing and what to do when, while managing a group room block for a large meeting.
More Hotel Web Site Myths…Busted! How savvy is your Web Site Designer?
It’s amazing how easily myths are born. One origin of many myths is the reality that many technical people out there do their best to promulgate confusion about the Internet; making it appear too complicated and too intricate for the average person to fully understand. They even use technical language to describe simple tasks just to stir-up the confusion still more; internet expert Neil Salerno shows that it’s simply not that complicated.
Maximizing Revenues does not automatically mean raising prices, but means reacting to the market, to your competitors to some degree and to the uniqueness of your hotel’s clientele.
Last-minute sales in hospitality at lower discounted rates are not sustainable in hospitality as this approach jeopardizes all other distribution channels (hotel mobile site, hotel traditional website, GDS, phone reservations, even OTA distribution). This is especially valid today in the viral and mobile environment we live in and with the smart hyper-interactive travel consumers we are dealing with today.