These games are easy to set up, move quickly, inexpensive in relation to supplies and can add a great deal of opening activity fun at your next meeting, adding participants' names and a level of complexity to create involvement.
Ice Breakers and other Warm-ups. These games are easy to set up, move quickly, inexpensive in relation to supplies and can add a great deal of opening activity fun at your next meeting, adding participants' names and a level of complexity to create involvement.
Every organization needs goals, plans and measurements. Hotels and hospitality organizations certainly need guidance and there are business tools and resources that are available to provide that direction. Three essentials can help create and provide understandable courses of action for a hotel and/or management company: mission statement, vision statement, and success measurements. This is part of the Hospitality Supervisor Training Series.
New supervisors and managers usually need to earn the respect of their fellow teammates. Whether this is a first ever management assignment or a first at the hotel or restaurant, the new manager needs to find some ways to build what will now be "their" team. This is part of the Hospitality Supervisor Training series.
There are times when brainstorming in groups are the most effective way of ikdentfying problem areas and comparing potential solutions to those problems. Group discussions are also excellent forums for sharing ideas and strengthening teams.
Jennifer Calhoun, CHE CHA MBA Founding Associate, The hospitality business is based on successfully meeting the needs of its guests. Meeting those needs is usually the result of a team of caring professionals working together. This short article is a reminder to all of us on ways to keep that team spirit strong!
How you communicate with your staff reveals the value and respect you place on them. It can encourage or demotivate them. It will have an impact on how well they become a team-player.
All leaders have different styles of leadership and the hospitality industry needs all kinds of leaders and managers, as there are so many different kinds of services and products. Look at all the various types and kinds of hotels and consider their locations. How would you assess your own leadership style? This is part of the Hospitality Supervisor Training series.